Sonntag, 14. August 2016

Tag 11 / Samstag

Today the doors of the studio stayed closed.

Last weekend, our dear Reinhold Wolf reminded us: "Music is moved air" 

Phrases like this are an easy way to understand what synesthetic is about. They are metaphors that invite our senses to conspire or ally in order to enhance an experience. Such phrases allow us also to find the connection points within art disciplines. This particular phrase helped me to figure out an exit to a spiral in which we felt stock into. The past days we were dealing with sound and movement with start and end-points from the musical perspective, mostly from the technical aspect of sound creation and alteration. Our hearing sense was hoarding the space.

For the next week, I want to use the phrase to bring together both perspectives, but allow them to be also independent from each other. Music is moved air, dance is moved air, as poetic or technical this sentence may be read. 

The search for a task in order to move and produce sound, aside from using the sensors and the microphones in space, is still on the air, but this phrase might take us one step closer to an answer. We all agree that the space needs a more concrete organization towards a performative space and far away from a search from the possibilities of the technical equipment we brought with us. The work from last week was definitely important, most of all to achieve a shared knowledge of the context we are working on. For the next two weeks, it will be interesting how the focus tilts towards using what we learned in order to achieve the exchange of sensations with the audience. 

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